Rabu, 23 November 2016

Benefits of apples

Benefits Of Apples

Apples are one of the fruits that are best in consumption in addition to delicious, apples may protect the heart. This is because the content of pectin in it that works to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent blood vessel inflammation. Daily apple consumption effectively maintain overall health. Because the fruit is also rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that improves immune. A variety ofapples for health benefits and as well as providing healthy immune and heart.

Below apples for Health Benefits:
1. Parkinson
Antioxidants in apples also able to fight free radicals that cause Parkinson's. Regular consumption can prevent early symptoms are characterized by damage to brain cells that produce dopamine.
2. anemia
Consumption of two to three apples every day, to spring to overcome anemia with high iron content. Not only that, polifenolnua content in apples can also regulate fat metabolism.
3. Prevent senile
The content of quercetin in apples not only boosts immunity but also prevent dementia. Antioxidant chemicals in apples protects brain cells from degeneration by neuro protective.
4. opponents Cancer
Apple is believed to fight lung cancer, colon, and breast. The content of flavonoids such as quercetin and its triterpenoids slow the progression of cancer cells.
5. asthma
This nutrient-rich fruits are highly recommended for respiratory kesehtan, chiefly apencegahan asthma. The content of flavonoids and phenolic acids in apple helps relieve inflammation in clearing the respiratory tract.
6. diabetes
Diabetics can rely on the consumption of apples as regulate sugar control blood sugar. Apple has a low glycemic index and polyphenols that can reduce the absorption of sugar in the body.

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